Thursday, 20 August 2009
Merdeka Public Speaking Competition
Merdeka season.... A time where you see flags are finally being displayed by patriotic commercial and private drivers alike. This is the time when you don't see Tunku Abdul Rahman as a geek. This is the time when you look up to him. Some may even realize that we are actually quite a fortunate country. Do we get hit by tsunami at least once every four years? Do we fortify our houses with nails and wooden boards whenever we hear warnings of strong wind? Do we fear our life would fly out of the window in the next minute? NO, we don't. So, you've got to appreciate it lah.
On the first Wednesday after school reopens.
In collaboration with the Bulan Kemerdekaan, an English Public Speaking Competition will be held. The details are below.
Pusat Sumber SMK Sri Permata
Registration Deadline:
Latest is on the first Tuesday after school reopens.
Pn. Kong
Mr Hugh Leong aka HUGE (Pn Kong calls him that)
Pn Nallini
and Your English teacher (which is Pn Kong again...)
Unofficial Judges:
Other participants (Other unexpected audience may be there too)
The titles for the competition are....
1) My Home, My Glorious Malaysia
2) We can only be proud of our history
3) Teenagers nowadays don't appreciate the significance of independence
4) The Rukun Negara isn't just for show
5) Bangsa Malaysia is a reality
6) Harmonious interaction among races isn't an option, it is a must
7) A diverse Malaysian community is the strength of our country
8) National integration has to start in schools
9) Malaysia is a role model of national integration
10) The young determines the future of our country
ALL participants will receive a certificate of participation. As of now, there is only 2 official participants, namely Keith and Nicholas. There should be a prize for the champion, the first and second runner-up... i think.
So, yeah. Other Form 4's who wish to join are encouraged to do so.
p/s: Yes, I moderate things around here, crimsonteddy. Do you want to subscribe to a daily newspaper filled with foulwords or disturbing pictures and the headline is about your notoriety? I don't think so... Try being in someone else's shoe before you post things up.
Stay cautious, you dont want to be part of the figure below.
Latest death figure [H1N1]: 67
crossed the line?!
anyway...on a brighter we have NO BM HW...(i think)...weeeee....i think this is the first time in history pn.wee has not given us hw...she is starting to grow on me...especially today when she was being quite sarcastic...IT WAS HILARIOUS...
i heard from my sources that the guys behind are making another class tshirt...i havent seen it but i heard it was quite cool....should have let them design it in the first place...
kk lastly i c that there is alot of debate goin on as to my i even heard ethan calling somebody else crimsonteddy...HAHAHHA...i wanted to laugh but kept it inside me...
well thats about it ppl...hope u enjoyed this seeying you...:D
signing off
just talking
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Minor Reminders....
So according to Ashwin, the boys will be having PJ tomorrow. For the past 2 weeks, rain had been pouring whenever we were about to have our PJ. Hopefully this time that won't happen.
Oh yeah, this is directed to boys only. For the girls, maybe you can ask Reenisha.
Few things you should bring tomorrow....
1) PJ clothes (Boys, especially)
2) Chemistry PEKA (Latest by today actually)
3) Penilaian 2 exam slip (I know some of you haven't get yet, my bad)
4) School Fees (RM 106.50)
5) Your clothes, bag, brain, and completed homeworks (This is a tough one, eh?)
Since the fasting season is coming soon, I wish all Muslims a HAPPY PUASA TIME. May you fast without lust. XD
And the most important thing.... MID-SEMESTER HOLIDAYS IS COMING SOON!!! WOOHOO!!!
Fun, eh? Not so for some. Moving on... I suggest you complete all your stalled homeworks during the holidays. Procrastinating is fun, but don't always do it. There's a high chance of getting lectures from teachers AND parents if you procrastinate too much. Oh and, don't go to places with many people too often since the H1N1 virus is still floating around. You don't want to be part of the infected too, do you?
So yeah, that should be all.
[POST RESPONSE] To crimsonteddy: Please bear in mind that the audience of this blog are not just members of 4M. Please differentiate between humour and disrespect. And that particular double-handed middle finger image is a no-go. I am against the use of foul words AND/OR offending images in posts. I can tolerate things like that in the cbox but not in posts. Sorry if you find that slightly offending, but there will be more who will get offended if they were to read your latest post. I hope you cooperate. Thank you.
just talking,
Monday, 17 August 2009
The Tormented Soul of School FEES...
A very short post this is to thou who hath not paid their fees.
~Pay it or it will torment you for the rest of the year, perhaps next year too~
~The fees are only RM106.50~
Be scared, be very scared.
p/s: Lol, I was watching Scary Movie 2 yesterday. So actually there's not much reason behind the dumb "ghost-like" post. It just suddenly came to my mind. XD
Friday, 14 August 2009
Hey people...i was instructed by the admins of this blog to revive this dead and forgotten blog...
it wont be an easy job but i think im up to the task...
this is what the blog is now...
this is what i am gonna make it...
so get ready to get your minds blown by the sheer awesomeness that is me...:D
signing off
just talking,
Random Announcements
By that title above, I'm sure you guessed it already. I'm out of ideas for nice titles already. HAHAHA. Expect very boring titles from now on. 8-)
So here are the announcements:
#1 Those mentioned below, please purchase a Buku Penilaian Kokurikulum and send it to Mr Shukur on Monday (Aug 17, 2009). The book can be obtained at the school's Koperasi. Further information regarding the price and availability of the book can be obtained through Ashmeer and Ee Chee.
1. Ethan Lu
2. Keith Daniel
3. Priyaa Nair
4. Shantavinashni
5. Wan Nur Arina
6. Colin Ray
#2 Please behave yourself in class next time. If you want to know the consequences of failing to do so, please inquire Nic next time.
#3 School is on tomorrow. So those who are willing to come, please do so. Your attendance is greatly appreciated by the school.
p/s: Despite the third announcement I made, I'm not coming tomorrow. XD
Friday, 7 August 2009
The Unofficial HAKK "Holiday"
Today, the Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum (HAKK) was held. The event started at 7.40 am (was it?) and ended at around 9.30 am. Lessons continued as usual shortly after. Well, at least those who were absent didn't waste their time enjoying their little "holiday" right, Ethan?
Since there was quite a number absentees today, I'll be posting today's homework here. So, those who weren't present, please take note.
Practice 1, pg 182 (Chapter 9: Differentiation)
DO ALL (Book 1)
Book 2 had been sent.
*Just a little summary of today's Add Maths lesson. Just in case you don't understand the explanation in the text book.
lim means limit
x --> n means "when x is approaching n" where n represent a constant (number) .
Anything after the limit and "x --> n" is called a function. Example: 1/(x+4) [refer to textbook]
-[-][-I'll refer the "limit", the "x --> n" and the function as a "function limiter". Keep in mind that this is not the official name of the "funtion limiter"-][-]-
So for Q1, construct the table and key in the function on your calculator and replace x with the constant. As in the case of the first question, x = 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. The same thing goes for Q2. After you're done with the questions, write down the "function limiter" expression again and put it equal to the number it's approaching. As in the case of the first question, the answer is 2.
As for number 3, just substitute x in the function with the number that it's approaching. For example, "x --> n". In this case, substitute x inside the function with n and you'll get the answer.
That should be all. Hopefully the explanation above helps.
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