This layout was applied on Jan 21, 2009 at 1624 Hours.


Friday, 22 January 2010

Sivik Project Guide (Documentation)

Okay, guys. The Sivik project. Every year, we did the same exact thing over and over again.
Yet, most of us are still clueless on how to make the project report. To counter that, I lend
a copy of last year's report to help you guys and myself out. So here's how you do it.

Before that, you have to choose an activity. The Sivik textbook, page 198 lists out some activities
that you CAN choose. You don't necessarily need to follow the textbook. If you have your own ideas,
feel free to use them. Consult the teacher before you start the activity though.

What you might want to have in the report:
1) Cover page
2) Contents page (Isi Kandugan)
3) Introduction (Pengenalan)
4) Project Objective (Objektif Projek)
5) Project Execution (Pelaksanaan Projek)
- Planning (Perancangan)
- Projek Execution Strategy (Strategi Pelaksanaan Projek) [Kerja Amali]
--> Early Preparation (Persediaan Awal)
--> Project Execution (Pelaksanaan Projek)
6) Reflex (Refleksi)
- Problems Faced During Project Execution (Masalah Ketika Pelaksanaan Projek)
- Conclusion (Kesimpulan)
7) Credits (Penghargaan)
8) Attachments (Lampiran)
The documents can be downloaded at the end of this post.

-Lampiran A: Surat Kebenaran Menjalankan Projek Khidmat Masyarakat
-Lampiran B: Surat Pengenalan Diri Murid
-Lampiran C: Surat Permohonan Untuk Menjalankan Projek Khidmat Masyarakat
-Lampiran D: Borang Soal Selidik
-Lampiran E: Surat Penghargaan Kepada Persatuan or Management of the organisation concerned
-Lampiran F: Gambar

Less obvious details of each section:

Cover Page
1) One of two pages in the whole report that can be PRINTED. The other being the gambar section.
2) Must display:
- School Name
- Project Theme
- Group Name
- Group Members' Names
- Class
- Teacher Advisor

Contents Page
- Lists the contents of the report. You can follow the list on the first section of
the guide minus the cover page.
- Handwritten.

- Contains:
--> Project Theme
--> Project Name
--> Execution Date
--> Project Location
--> Teacher Advisor
--> List of members
++ Pengerusi
++ N. Pengerusi
++ Setiausaha
++ Bendahari
++ AJK
- Can be done in point form.
- Handwritten.

Project Objective [REQUIRED]
- Done in point form.
- Hand-written.

Project Execution
- Planning
--> Done in paragraph form.
--> Handwritten.
- Early Preparations
--> Done in note form.
--> Lists developments about the project from the time of group formation.
--> List the role of each members. This can be done in table form.
--> Handwritten.
-Project Execution
--> Lists the dates of meetings and activities done on that day including briefings
from the teacher advisor.
--> Cost of Project Execution. Show group income and expense. The figures need not
be very accurate. Just rough estimation would be fine.
--> Gantt Chart. Ask teacher for further explanations.
--> Meeting minutes. Must contain:
++ Date
++ Time
++ Location of meeting
++ Present members
++ Meeting agenda
--> Handwritten.

- Problems Faced During Project Execution
--> Consists of two paragraphs preferably. The opening and body.
- Conclusion
--> Overall view of the project. You can refer the example in the textbook.
- Handwritten.

Credits [REQUIRED]
- Done in paragraph form.
- Handwritten.

- Simplest part. Just need to put it together with the report.
- Printed or handwritten.
- The documents can be found here. You can add your own documents if you want to.
--> Letter of permission to members
--> Letter of granted permission to respondents
--> Letter to request permission to conduct activity to respondents (if any)
--> Survey forms to respondents
--> Letter of appreciation to respondents (if any)

Reflex Forms [REQUIRED]
- Each member must write one.
- Provide:
--> Name
--> Class
--> Group
--> Role/Responsibilities
--> Benefits to self
--> Problems faced during project execution
--> Suggestions
--> Expectations (Harapan)
- Handwritten.

Overall Report [REQUIRED]
- Must contain:
++ Benefits acquired through this project
++ Problems faced during project execution
++ Suggestions
++ Expectations
- Handwritten.

Pictures section (Gambar) [REQUIRED]
- Display pictures of location before and after on-site project execution.
- Printed, obviously.

Signatures of committee members
- Can put pictures in if you like.
- Sign there.
- Printed AND handwritten (for the signatures)

That's all, I guess. If you have anymore questions, you can ask our Sivik teacher.

Credits for the information you see up there should go to these few people from 5J/2009:
a) Siti Nuraqidah
b) Amira Nadia
c) Ahmad Khairil
d) Joe William
e) Imran Rashid
f) Muhammad Izzat Asyraf

So, yeah. Second post of 2010. A bit too much, don't you think? XD

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