This layout was applied on Jan 21, 2009 at 1624 Hours.


Tuesday, 17 November 2009

ClAsS pArTy

DATE : 23rd November 2009 (MONDAY)

SPOT : One Utama

uh.. according to fudin:
come at 10 a.m. and play bowling..
until lunch time..
then eat at Kenny Roger's

NOTE : there may be changes from time to time.. so stay updated

Monday, 9 November 2009


million thanks to everyone for their help and support !

Friday, 23 October 2009

Prom tickets on SALE now

Form fours, you can come join in the fun
and spend your last moments as school mates with your seniors :D
Call me if you need a ticket :)

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I know it's late


Selamat Hari Raya, everyone ! :D
Maaf inside and outside,
forgive me if I've done any wrong things to you
whether it's directly or indirectly, I'm sorry

Oh and sorry for all the 'water works' and PMS-ish moments in class to some of you, haha! I'm an anti social at the moment, bear with me. Every girl has her time ;) Dnt worry, I'm okay, so quit asking -_-'

If you humans feel like coming to my house for raya,
feel free to let me know EARLIER, ahem!
(Dnt come without giving a head's up, I may be sleeping -_-)
and I'll give you the address to my untidy house
and no, no duit raya (For fish sake, I'm still a kid -.-')
But there will be food, THAT I can assure you !
Non-Muslims are welcome to come over too. Come on over :]

Oh, do pray that may some of my kuih raya in my house survive the week,
I may bring some to class next week (!)
EHEH, drooling eh ? ;)

Til the fire works cracks!
Lots of love,

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

THE JUDGEMENT DAY....... Falls on 6th October

The Judgement Day is coming, yay!!! After all our hard work, we are finally being tested on what we have learnt. Too bad we still have things to study after the exam. So yeah, best prepare yourself for the exam. And don't copy your friend's answer la... This is end-year exam, you need to test yourself a bit. For tips on facing the exam, you can inquire Parri or Lim. HAHA

p/s: I think there's a lot of grammar mistakes in the above paragraph... A bit sleepy right now, so yeah. Btw, have anyone seen my calculator? Last time I saw it was on Friday at some time during Maths. If you have found it, please return it to me. I desperately need it. Thank you.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

just because...

hello ppl....

sry i havent been free to type to u guys lately....

nothing much has been happening actually....

on the bright side tho pn wee seems to be much happier after the holidays...(maybe she is high on something)

well the put some new cc tvs in our those who like to sleep in class should be carefull from now on as u dun noe what ong hock tai is looking at...:D

on a more serious note....exams are coming up....NOOOOOOOOOO.....exams mean results which is never good [oni if your lim or parri (not english) ]

haiz nothing muh to write about lar...since our blog is under strict ruling of the all mighty habib...

anyway...hope u guys enjoy this week as the WEEKEND is approaching!

yours truly...

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Merdeka Public Speaking Competition

Merdeka season.... A time where you see flags are finally being displayed by patriotic commercial and private drivers alike. This is the time when you don't see Tunku Abdul Rahman as a geek. This is the time when you look up to him. Some may even realize that we are actually quite a fortunate country. Do we get hit by tsunami at least once every four years? Do we fortify our houses with nails and wooden boards whenever we hear warnings of strong wind? Do we fear our life would fly out of the window in the next minute? NO, we don't. So, you've got to appreciate it lah.

In collaboration with the Bulan Kemerdekaan, an English Public Speaking Competition will be held. The details are below.

Pusat Sumber SMK Sri Permata

On the first Wednesday after school reopens.

Registration Deadline:
Latest is on the first Tuesday after school reopens.

Pn. Kong
Mr Hugh Leong aka HUGE (Pn Kong calls him that)
Pn Nallini
and Your English teacher (which is Pn Kong again...)

Unofficial Judges:
Other participants (Other unexpected audience may be there too)

The titles for the competition are....
1) My Home, My Glorious Malaysia
2) We can only be proud of our history
3) Teenagers nowadays don't appreciate the significance of independence
4) The Rukun Negara isn't just for show
5) Bangsa Malaysia is a reality
6) Harmonious interaction among races isn't an option, it is a must
7) A diverse Malaysian community is the strength of our country
8) National integration has to start in schools
9) Malaysia is a role model of national integration
10) The young determines the future of our country

ALL participants will receive a certificate of participation. As of now, there is only 2 official participants, namely Keith and Nicholas. There should be a prize for the champion, the first and second runner-up... i think.

So, yeah. Other Form 4's who wish to join are encouraged to do so.

p/s: Yes, I moderate things around here, crimsonteddy. Do you want to subscribe to a daily newspaper filled with foulwords or disturbing pictures and the headline is about your notoriety? I don't think so... Try being in someone else's shoe before you post things up.

Stay cautious, you dont want to be part of the figure below.
Latest death figure [H1N1]: 67

crossed the line?!

kk i didnt noe our class was like the malaysian government...wanna filter things before we can say anything out loud...this comes as my last post was deleted because it was said to have crossed the line between some crap...i think the world should noe what goes on in our class...not some fantasy world that they think we live in....habib u got to chill....too much stress for a 16 year old...

anyway...on a brighter we have NO BM HW...(i think)...weeeee....i think this is the first time in history pn.wee has not given us hw...she is starting to grow on me...especially today when she was being quite sarcastic...IT WAS HILARIOUS...

i heard from my sources that the guys behind are making another class tshirt...i havent seen it but i heard it was quite cool....should have let them design it in the first place...

kk lastly i c that there is alot of debate goin on as to my i even heard ethan calling somebody else crimsonteddy...HAHAHHA...i wanted to laugh but kept it inside me...

well thats about it ppl...hope u enjoyed this seeying you...:D

signing off

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Minor Reminders....

So according to Ashwin, the boys will be having PJ tomorrow. For the past 2 weeks, rain had been pouring whenever we were about to have our PJ. Hopefully this time that won't happen.
Oh yeah, this is directed to boys only. For the girls, maybe you can ask Reenisha.

Few things you should bring tomorrow....
1) PJ clothes (Boys, especially)
2) Chemistry PEKA (Latest by today actually)
3) Penilaian 2 exam slip (I know some of you haven't get yet, my bad)
4) School Fees (RM 106.50)
5) Your clothes, bag, brain, and completed homeworks (This is a tough one, eh?)

Since the fasting season is coming soon, I wish all Muslims a HAPPY PUASA TIME. May you fast without lust. XD

And the most important thing.... MID-SEMESTER HOLIDAYS IS COMING SOON!!! WOOHOO!!!
Fun, eh? Not so for some. Moving on... I suggest you complete all your stalled homeworks during the holidays. Procrastinating is fun, but don't always do it. There's a high chance of getting lectures from teachers AND parents if you procrastinate too much. Oh and, don't go to places with many people too often since the H1N1 virus is still floating around. You don't want to be part of the infected too, do you?

So yeah, that should be all.

[POST RESPONSE] To crimsonteddy: Please bear in mind that the audience of this blog are not just members of 4M. Please differentiate between humour and disrespect. And that particular double-handed middle finger image is a no-go. I am against the use of foul words AND/OR offending images in posts. I can tolerate things like that in the cbox but not in posts. Sorry if you find that slightly offending, but there will be more who will get offended if they were to read your latest post. I hope you cooperate. Thank you.

Monday, 17 August 2009

The Tormented Soul of School FEES...

A very short post this is to thou who hath not paid their fees.

~Pay it or it will torment you for the rest of the year, perhaps next year too~
~The fees are only RM106.50~

Be scared, be very scared.

p/s: Lol, I was watching Scary Movie 2 yesterday. So actually there's not much reason behind the dumb "ghost-like" post. It just suddenly came to my mind. XD

Friday, 14 August 2009


Hey people...i was instructed by the admins of this blog to revive this dead and forgotten blog...
it wont be an easy job but i think im up to the task...

this is what the blog is now...

this is what i am gonna make it...

so get ready to get your minds blown by the sheer awesomeness that is me...:D

signing off

Random Announcements

By that title above, I'm sure you guessed it already. I'm out of ideas for nice titles already. HAHAHA. Expect very boring titles from now on. 8-)

So here are the announcements:

#1 Those mentioned below, please purchase a Buku Penilaian Kokurikulum and send it to Mr Shukur on Monday (Aug 17, 2009). The book can be obtained at the school's Koperasi. Further information regarding the price and availability of the book can be obtained through Ashmeer and Ee Chee.

1. Ethan Lu
2. Keith Daniel
3. Priyaa Nair
4. Shantavinashni
5. Wan Nur Arina
6. Colin Ray

#2 Please behave yourself in class next time. If you want to know the consequences of failing to do so, please inquire Nic next time.

#3 School is on tomorrow. So those who are willing to come, please do so. Your attendance is greatly appreciated by the school.

p/s: Despite the third announcement I made, I'm not coming tomorrow. XD

Friday, 7 August 2009

The Unofficial HAKK "Holiday"

Today, the Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum (HAKK) was held. The event started at 7.40 am (was it?) and ended at around 9.30 am. Lessons continued as usual shortly after. Well, at least those who were absent didn't waste their time enjoying their little "holiday" right, Ethan?
Since there was quite a number absentees today, I'll be posting today's homework here. So, those who weren't present, please take note.

Practice 1, pg 182 (Chapter 9: Differentiation)
DO ALL (Book 1)

Book 2 had been sent.

*Just a little summary of today's Add Maths lesson. Just in case you don't understand the explanation in the text book.

lim means limit
x --> n means "when x is approaching n" where n represent a constant (number) .

Anything after the limit and "x --> n" is called a function. Example: 1/(x+4) [refer to textbook]

-[-][-I'll refer the "limit", the "x --> n" and the function as a "function limiter". Keep in mind that this is not the official name of the "funtion limiter"-][-]-

So for Q1, construct the table and key in the function on your calculator and replace x with the constant. As in the case of the first question, x = 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. The same thing goes for Q2. After you're done with the questions, write down the "function limiter" expression again and put it equal to the number it's approaching. As in the case of the first question, the answer is 2.

As for number 3, just substitute x in the function with the number that it's approaching. For example, "x --> n". In this case, substitute x inside the function with n and you'll get the answer.

That should be all. Hopefully the explanation above helps.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Physics Exercise 2.10

This is for those who didn't manage to jot down the questions in class earlier today. Solve the questions in your exercise books.

1. A crane lifts a load of 5000N through a vertical distance of 12m from a ship to the ground in 20s. Calculate the average power of the crane. [ Unit of Energy: Joule (J) ]

2. A rock of mass 4.5kg falls from a height of 14m to the ground. Calculate the loss of potential energy when the rock is 5m above the ground.

3. An electric motor lifts a box of mass 5.0kg to a height of 18m in 5s. Calculate the power of the motor.

4. A lift in a building can carry 15 people through a height of 10m in 10 seconds. The total mass of the lift and its passengers is 1500kg. Calculate the power of the lift.

5. A fat man of mass 100kg and a thin man of mass 50kg both ran up a flight of stairs at a height of 12m. Both the men took 10s to complete the task. Calculate the power generated by each man.

6. The graph in figure below shows the relationship between force, F and the spring extension, x.

Calculate the work done to stretch the spring from 8cm to 12cm.

7. An electric motor of a crane rated 500W can lift a load of 450N vertically through a height of 8m in 10s. Calculate the efficiency of the motor.

*Refer to your notebook if you're stuck at any question.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Shifted - Assessment 2

Just a little announcement in case you didn't notice the announcement on the board earlier. Tomorrow the Physics and Add Maths test is shifted to after recess. According to the schedule, it was suppose to be before recess but Mr Shukur just told me this morning that it was shifted to after recess. So, I don't really know which one to follow either. So, I'd suggest you just bring all the books required in our original class timetable. Add Maths and Physics lessons is on the same day too. So, it shouldn't be a problem.

That should sum it up.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

SEGAK the 2nd

This notice apply to boys only.
As the title suggest, we'll be doing our SEGAK test tomorrow. So, you have to bring your PJ attire.

Got really nothing much to say. So, this is the end of the post. If you want to check the timetable for our test, you can check it below. Just scroll down and you'll see it.

p/s to Fudin and Parri: Remember to bring your form for the camp tomorrow.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Assessment the 2nd Story

*Amaran: Terdapat unsur pessimistik dalam perenggan di bawah.

As you might have been informed, our second assessment is taking place next week. This time around, there isn't much of a chance of obtaining leaked questions. So if you mind about your results, you have to buck up and shove those knowledge deep down in your brains. That way, you'll be ready for the upcoming test.

A Simpler Version of the Original Timetable

Monday (Jul 20) - BM [10.55 - 11.55]
- Maths [ 12.05 - 1.05]

Tuesday (Jul 21) - English [ 10.55 - 11.55]
- Chemistry [ 12.05 - 1.05]

Wednesday (Jul 22) - History [10.55 - 11.55]
- AM1 [ 12.05 - 1.05]

Thursday (Jul 23) - Physics [7.45 - 8.45]
- Add Maths [ 9.05 - 10.05]

Friday (Jul 24) - Biology {[7.45 - 8.45], [9.05 - 10.05]} I don't really know which one. Both the time frame are within the timetable.

*Answer the questions in your exercise books or your own paper. (If a specific instruction is issued, this particular rule is void and null)

* For subjects not included in the timetable, teachers will conduct the assessment according to the normal timetable.

* Teachers will resume P&P sessions during the time when assessments are not being conducted.


Btw, we have a new addition to our class. I'm sure you have noticed, haven't you? It's Yvonne!!! [No specific reason for the exclamation marks, mind you]. Okay guys, I know you don't really like her, but don't go "Oh, there's Yvonne. That's the first time I've seen one." or "Oh, there's such as thing called a Yvonne?". That's a bit too harsh, isn't it? I don't really know in detail why you don't welcome her but just be a little considerate. Try looking at these things in her perspective and you'll understand why I even mentioned this.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Of Kekacang and Juices...

As the title suggest, I shall commence Operation Juice of Kacang Post.

As you might have been informed, we will be doing the peanut and juices experiment. You can refer the experiment in your Practical Book. It's experiment 6.1 and 6.3. So assuming you have formed a group of 4, you have to divide your group to 2 subgroups namely Group A and B.

The following are the materials you need to bring tomorrow.

....Group A....
1) Lime Juice
2) Orange Juice
3) Random Juice

*The juices must not be bought as the ones in stores contain preservatives and sugar. So, obviously you can't add other stuffs like sugar to the juices that you did either. Don't take the easy way out of using cordial.


....Group B....
1) Crackers (without cream)
2) Bread (make sure it's not wet or anywhere close to it)
3) Peanuts (any type will do be it almonds, cashew, pistacio, and even ground nuts)



*Entropy can be referred to in Wikipedia. I don't really know how to use the word properly actually.

p/s: The photos taken with Ms Lim can be viewed in Facebook under Ms Lim's profile. You can search her in Facebook by searching Lim Chiu Sin.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Farewell... Ms Lim

As you might have known, Ms Lim is heading back to Johor. So according to Sugu, a party of some sort will be held on Friday or was it just some cake-eating event? Please pass on your RM2 to the Bendahari (Fudin; formerly Johanan) and he'll pass it to Sugu. And Sugu'll go and buy the cake. Your payment can be made before the school ends. We should apologize for whatever trouble we caused her before she leaves. So yalah, that's all.

You can ignore this part since there's no proper message in here.
Don't really have anything to say actually. Just that I noticed that this particular post is too short and I'm seriously bored so, I just posted something here.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Money, money, money...

Yup, money.

Pay up yer MONEY
1. PIBG - RM40
2. Additional Fees - RM 64.50
3. Toilet Fee - RM 2
4. T-shirt - RM4.50

Optional - Class/ Society/ Clubs Picture

1. Size 4 x 6 without border - RM 2.50

2. Size 6 x 9 without border - RM 5.00
->Size 6 x 9 with border - RM 5.00

3. Size 8 x 12 without border - RM 8.00
->Size 8 x 12 with border - RM 8.50

That should be all about money. Next up are just regular announcements.

1. Those who have not submit their Chem PEKA, do it tomorrow.
-> This announcement is targeted especially at Colin, Ethan and... I forgot who.

2. PJ tomorrow for boys. For girls, I don't have any clue. (Update DESPERATELY needed)

3. To BSMM - formerly PBSM - members, there will be a meeting this Saturday. Refer to the BSMM board or SP's BSMM blog here.

p/s: That should be all. I heard Chen went for a surgery -specifically, I don't know what surgery-, so he might not be able to present himself in about a week. Let's all pray for his well being.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

School Fees..... ASAP

Referring to the above title, You are required to pay your fees as soon as possible.

Here are the list of the said fees:

a) Co-curriculum ---------------- RM 8.00
b) Exam Papers ----------------- RM 24.50
c) Sports ------------------------ RM 8.00
d) Aglmool ---------------------- RM 8.00
e) MSSM ------------------------ RM 4.00
f) Magazine ---------------------- RM 12.00
<-->Total ---------------------------RM 64.50

And your Toilet Fees : RM2. Yup, the toilet fees. No matter how silly it sounds, you still have to pay for using the school toilet. Not forgetting the t-shirt, I'm still waiting for the RM 25. So, yeah.

Check your marks on the last exam, jot it down somewhere and correct it tomorrow. Hopefully I'll remember to bring the ranking sheet along. Open Day will be held next Friday. So, I advice you to watch Trans-afro-ers before you get yourself grounded for good. There'll be a school replacement day this Saturday. Those who were summoned by Mr Donnie, prepare your speech by then. Those receiving the anugerah, please arrive at school before 7.30 am. Those who just want to come for fun, I suggest you to diminish that intention. More than half of the class will be in the hall for the whole day. So, you might get a one-to-one session with the mosquitoes if you come anyway.

p/s: Fudin, if you're reading this, remind me to return your shoes. Message me, don't call. Calls aren't so effective on me. XD

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Finally..... Some update

Referring to the above title, it is informed that tomorrow, June 24th 2009, boys will be having their PK.

For the girls, I think you'll be having PJ tomorrow if i'm not mistaken. At the very least, that was what I have heard.

1. Physics ticker-tape experiment report in your Experiment book. If you haven't done yet, finish it.
2. Bring your RM25 for the t-shirt ASAP. The time taken to receive your t-shirt depends on everyone's said payment. Hypothesis is accepted. LOL
3. Those who haven't paid your toilet fees, please do so ASAP.
4. If you have any H1N1 symptoms, please get yourself examined. Stay home if you feel something's wrong with your body system. The virus can spread really fast so, be cautious of your surrounding.

p/s: Sincerest apologies to those whom I wasn't able to wish you your birthdays. I currently aren't able to use a constant internet connection, so I can only post once in a while. Really sorry for the inconvenience.

Friday, 15 May 2009


It's in Malaysiaa!!! Whooooo!!!

1. you cough
2. you got flu
3. you got sore throught(i don't think i spelt that correctly)
4. i don't know. You have to contact H1N1 personally. There are a few more details about this ravishing single deaseas. (didn't spell that correctly either.)The only minor problem is that i'm not sure if it's male or female. So for all you bi's out there your in luck.
5. *lame joke time
once you get the influenza you will be influenced by its influenzaness and for all you know youll grow a uhm..snort? and a curly tail and go oink. wheee.. laugh fool! And you shall never part. Unless you go see doctor. I heard this thing very the mafan. SOOO if you want to get together not too long la ha.. Bad for health. In more ways than one.

Soooo.. if you think your interested. Eat lots of lots of imported from mexico pig or go the the infected patient. You can also call influ-enza-H1N1-swiiine. So don't keep it waiting. its young..only a few months old. Don't worry. You won't be considered a pidofile.. Maybe a pigdofile!! wheeeehehehe...lameness.. Its due to exams. im giving you something to entertain grateful.

swine agent nick

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Mid-Year Exam... Coming to your shores this Thursday

Yes, it's mid-year exam. Finally. Can you imagine something more wonderful? XD

Buck yourself up and study. Have you tried solving inverse functions lately? Can you still do it? If not, you should know what to do. How about the 4 main physics formulae? Have you remembered them? And that's just 2 subjects, we have 10 subjects to cover. It's advisable if you start revising now. So, yeah. STUDY STUDY STUDY.

Fire Drill
I only took the things which directly involves us directly.

1. A long 'ring' will be heard for about 10 minutes or 3 times in a row. Simply put, a different pattern of ringing. Once you heard the ring, queue outside the class and don't exaggerate the already exaggerated event.
2. Line up outside the class and proceed to Gate D. In other words, go to the gate near the Garbage Site.
3. After reaching there, line up outside the school on the road.

1. Please don't stray off somewhere or you MIGHT get a Surat Amaran.
2. Don't shout or act psychotic at any given time or any possible situation even if it's the worst case scenario.
3. As silly as it may seem, please walk to the specified gate cautiously and stay in your line.

Further instructions will be issued after Phase 1 of the drill which is after you get in your line(s).

Perhaps I'll upload the map here too if I have the ability to do so. That should cover it.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Duty board our teacher wanted us to finish the notice board at the back..
cus we keep getting "kelas tercantik" for quite a few
so here we go.. a list of names with their respective duty.

3 16547 ASHMEER B. ANUAR Bahasa Melayu
6 16548 CHEN WIN SUM English
9 16551 FU HSU HUI Sejarah
KEITH DANIEL Mathematics
14 16555 LIM SZE KHAI Mathematics
32 16572 TAN EE CHEE Biology

Find information about your corresponding subject and prepare it by this weekend
(3 May 2009)

And bring them on Monday.

Bring a wrapping paper for your own table too.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Gave us work Pn. Wee

Ayat songsang.

(i skip the notes)

A. Tukarkan ayat susunan biasa di bawah ini kepada ayat susunan songsang.

i)Dia ke rumah awak petang semalam.
ii) Novel itu habis saya baca.
iii) "Nama awak siapa?" tanya ibu.
iv) Kita tidak perlu panik jika dipatuk ular sawa kerana patukan ular sawa tidak akan mendatangkan maut.

B. Tukarkan ayat susunan songsang kepada ayat susunan biasa.

i) Saya tendang bola itu ke arah pintu gol.
ii) Jika saya belajar bersungguh-sungguh, saya akan berjaya.
iii) Adalah sukar untuk melepasi halangan itu.
"Siapakah Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri di kawasan ini?" tanya Ahmad.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Posting Temporarily Disabled : Comments Guide

"Unable to connect to the remote computer" This particular line appears every time I try to connect to the internet. So for the mean time, I would be posting things less often. At most, maybe 1 to 2 posts a week. Hopefully Ashmeer can take my place for the meant time, if you're free or bored la. XD

Comments/Inquiries Guide
I never posted this before. So expectedly, I never really know who is posting the comments up.
Knowing that, I think I better post a brief guide on how to comment. Sounds petty but I prefer the blog to be more organized.

1) Click the "n INQUIRIES" link at the bottom of any post. (n refers to the number of inquiries written earlier)
2) Type whatever you want to type there. And;
3) Press the arrow in the Comment as: box and choos which option you prefer.
3) You could simply place your signature there. Eg: Yours til i trip (Arina)
4) Lastly, press the Post Comment button.

That should cover it.

Last but not least, don't believe that "im Deleting the Blog... bal bla bla" line in the cbox. I didn't put that up. My name would always appear orange in the cbox. Anyway if any of those things appear again, inform me immediately.

That's all for now. Oh yah, Hilman said Hi... XD

Friday, 24 April 2009

All in One day

Today we had homeworks for all subjects except BM (Hooray..). So.. I'll list down the homeworks~:

Chem - do the quick review questions on page 65, 69 and 72..

Bio - finish up your PEKA and do the exercise from the papers handed out..(do til page 8 i think)

Maths - do the ones given on the board...

Add. Maths - as some of you go home early or go camp.. I'll write down the works here..
Do chapter 6 formative exercise 6.1 pg 92 question 1, 3 and 5..
That's all only heh..

Sekian, terima kasih XD

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Dear Habib,

Thanks, You Rock :D

They should do a 'Ketua Kelas Day' la for people like Habib :)
You make students like us (busy & hardworking) job much easier ;p
Keep up the good work! :]

Yours til i roll,

Monday, 20 April 2009

I'm out of ideas for the title....~~~ sienz

Haha, it's been quite some time since the last post, eh? I've been kinda busy with the new layout. Just a few reminders and notifications....

We'll be conducting an experiment on Wednesday. The experiment revolves around the concentration of solutions, I think. So, I'll advise you to bring a potato for yourself. Although you'll be in a group of 4, it'd be better if you just bring one just in case other group members didn't bring their share of potatoes. Just make sure the potato isn't too small. We need to observe what would happen to it. 

Ah, I just remembered there were still some of those who didn't get their Paper 3 exercises. The one on the erythrocytes.So if you want the exercise, come and see me. I still have a few more copies with me. And thats all for Bio.

Secondly is Physics
Yah, physics PEKA. Tomorrow's the deadline. Submit your PEKA tomorrow. Don't really have much to say about this. So, that's it lah. Oh yah, there's still another thing. Prepare a report on your rocket.

Next is Results Slip
If your name is listed here, please bring your Results Slip tomorrow.
a) Alvin
b) Veno
c) Vinod
d) Arina
Yeah, bring it tomorrow, kay? I only need 4 more. I've been holding 33 of these since the last 2 or 3 weeks, so please help me get rid of the extra load in my bag. XD

Those 10-12 pupils who haven't pass up your exercise book, please do so. The deadline was weeks ago. Chances had been given. Just don't take things for granted. What's the point of giving chances if you don't try your best to use it to the fullest? Ah and yes, summarise the notes on chemistry located below. Or just use this link if you're lazy.

Haha. Pass up your Karangan book tomorrow. The essay is about the Rumahku Syurgaku letter, if i'm not mistaken. So, finish it up and I'll collect it first thing tomorrow.

Add Maths
We'll be having extra class this Friday until 12:50 pm. So, inform whoever is picking you up that you'll be a bit late.

PJ (For boys)
Directed to all 4M/J boys. We'll be having PJ on Wednesday to finish up the SEGAK test. There'll be a bit of push-ups and sit-ups, i think. So, best prepare yourself if you feel like impressing some anonymous person. Isn't that right, Nic?

Science & Maths Society
The S&M society is organizing Explorace as part of their participation in the Academic Month. The race is open to all morning-session pupils. A fee of RM4 will be charged on each group and each must have only 4 group members. No more, no less than that. Further information can be obtained at the S&M notice board located on the ground floor of Block B. Or if you don't like walking to the board, you can always have the walking board, Parri, come to you instead. XD

I don't think I want to bring up anything about the Sport's Day. So, that's the end of the first post for the new layout and that's all until the next post comes, I guess.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

3, 2, 1, Launch

Tomorrow is your rocket-launching day. Get your rocket and parachute ready and be prepared for inconvenient conditions. May the wind be on our side.

Physics PEKA - Submit by Friday. Latest by next Tuesday.

New Layout Development
The new layout might take some time to be applied here since the layout that you saw had an error regarding the banner. So, maybe I'll try to learn the XML code and rebuild the layout.The earliest the layout would be up is by the mid-term holidays. Anyone who have experience and advanced knowledge on XML codes, please assist me. I'm just modifying any part I can understand.

Sports Day is coming soon. For those who took part in competitions and taekwondo demo, you'd better prepare yourself well. There's a full rehearsal tomorrow too so, do your best. XD

~I dream of sleeping~

Monday, 13 April 2009

Physics Ex 2.4 Compiled

I compiled the exercise so you won't have to scroll down to find the first part of the work. So, there it is lah.

Excercise 2.4
1(a) A lorry managed to travel a distance of 6km in the last 15 min. Upon nearing a traffic light, the lorry driver stepped on his brakes to stop his lorry. The speed of the lorry decreased uniformly and came to a halt after 3 seconds. Calculate
(i) the velocity of the lorry in the initial 15 minutes
(ii) the initial velocity of the lorry
(iii) the deceleration of the lorry

(b) A steel ball of mass 1 kg is dropped vertically from a table as shown in Figure 1(which habib will post later). A bucket of sand is put beside the table so that the steel ball can drop into it.

If the steel ball took 0.5 s to reach the bucket of sand, calculate:
i ) The velocity of the stell ball when it hit the stone.
ii) The height of the table.
iii) The deceleration of the stell ball if it managed to sink 10cm into the sand.
(consider: g = 10 m/s^2)

Okay, that's all for your exercise. Now just read page 8 in your Practical Book. Read, understand, conceptualize and repeat.

Group 1 - chemical properties for 4J, 4M, 4S through 4M


  • Reactivity increases when going down Group 1.
  • The valence electron of the atom is further away from the attraction of its positive nucleus.
  • The inner electrons shield the outer electron from the nucleus attraction
The inner electrons shield the outer electron from the nucleus attraction

Chemical Properties

  • Group 1 metals are very reactive metals.
  • They all show the same chemical properties.
  • They can react with water and non-metal such as oxygen and chlorine to form a new compound.

Electron configuration
Lithium 2.1
Sodium 2.8.1
  • Table above shows the electron arrangement of all the Group 1 metals.
  • All the atoms of Group 1 metal consist of 1 valence electron.
  • When an alkali metal atoms reacts, it loses the valence electron to form a positively charged ion. Example
Li \to Li^+ + e^-.
Na \to Na^+ + e^-.
K \to K^+ + e^-.
  • They tend to react mainly with non-metals to form ionic compounds.
  1. Reaction with water.
  2. Reaction with chlorine gas.
  3. Reaction with oxygen gas.

The Reaction of Alkali Metals with cold water

  • Group 1 metal react vigorously with water.
  • The video below shows the reaction of Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium and Caesium with water.
  • Click the play button to play the video or click anywhere on the player to link to the video page in youtube.

  • Lithium floats on the surface of the water with with 'fizzing' sound.
  • Colourless gas is released around the metal.
  • Lithium metal moves slowly on the surface of water.
  • The gas released can be ignited.
  • If the gas is collected in a test tube, and then a lighted wooden splinter is brought close to the mouth of the test tube, a "pop" sound is heard.
  • The solution turn blue when it is tested with universal indicator.
  • Sodium also floats on the surface of the water with with 'fizzing' sound.
  • Colourless gas is released around the metal, as what happen to lithium.
  • The lump of sodium moves swiftly on the surface of water.
  • The gas released can be ignited.
  • If the gas is collected in a test tube, and then a lighted wooden splinter is brought close to the mouth of the test tube, a "pop" sound is heard.
  • The solution turn blue when it is tested with universal indicator.
  • Sodium also floats on the surface of the water.
  • It reacts violently with water.
  • Colourless gas is released around the metal.
  • The gas produceed is ignited by the heat release by the reaction itself.
  • If the gas is collected in a test tube, and then a lighted wooden splinter is brought close to the mouth of the test tube, a "pop" sound is heard.
  • The solution turn blue when it is tested with universal indicator.


  • The reaction with water is highly exothermic (release a lot heat), very fast and violent.
  • If a lump of lithium, sodium or potassium is placed in cold water, the metal floats, move around the surface of the water and then dissolve in the water.
  • This shows that lithium, sodium and potassium are less dense than water.
  • The substance produced is soluble in water.
  • The colourless flammable gas is hydrogen. It produces "pops" sound with lit splint.
  • Lithium and sodium do not normally cause a flame but the potassium reaction is exothermic enough to ignite the hydrogen.
  • Rubidium and caesium are explosive with water. Normally, your teacher does not do this experiment in the school lab.
  • If universal indicator is added, it changes from green (pH 7) to purple (pH 13-14), showing that the products are alkali (solution of hydroxide).
  • The more reactive the metal, the more vigorous the reaction.
  • The reactivity of the metal increases down the group.

Equation of the reaction
Lithium + Water Lithium Hydroxide + Hydrogen Gas

2Li + 2H_2 O \to 2LiOH + H_2

Sodium+ Water SodiumHydroxide + Hydrogen Gas

2Na + 2H_2 O \to 2NaOH + H_2

Potassium + Water Potassium Hydroxide + Hydrogen Gas

2K + 2H_2 O \to 2KOH + H_2

The Reaction of Alkali Metals with Non-metals

  • Group 1 Alkali Metals react with non-metals to form colourless or white ionic compounds.
  • These compounds dissolve in water to give colourless solutions.

Reaction with oxygen

Reaction of alkali metal with oxygen gas.
Reaction of alkali metal with oxygen gas.
  • The diagram above shows that when hot alkali metal is put into a gas jar filled with oxygen gas, the alkali metal will burn with bright flame.
  • They form white oxide powders after reaction.
  • These oxides dissolve in water to form strongly alkaline metal hydroxide solutions with pH value 13-14.
  • Lithium, sodium and potassium have similar chemical properties. All react with oxygen to produce white metal oxide.
  • The reactivity increases down the group from lithium, sodium to potassium.
  • Table below shows the observation of lithium, sodium and potassium when burn in oxygen gas.
Lithium Lithium burns with red flame and produces white powder immediately after reaction.

When the white powder is dissolved in water, it produces a solution which turned red litmus paper blue.

Sodium Sodium burned with bright yellow flame, forming white powder immediately after reaction.

When the white powder is dissolved in water, it produces a solution which turned red litmus paper blue.

Potassium Potassium burned with very bright purplish flame, forming white powder immediately after reaction.

When the white powder is dissolved in water, it produces a solution which turned red litmus paper blue.


Lithium+ Oxygen \longrightarrow Lithium Oxide
\rm 4Li + O2 \longrightarrow 2Li_2O

Sodium + Oxygen \longrightarrow Sodium Oxide
\rm 4Na + O2 \longrightarrow 2Na_2O

Potassium + Oxygen \longrightarrow Potassium Oxide
\rm 4K + O2 \longrightarrow 2K_2O

Reaction with chlorine

Reaction of alkali metal with oxygen gas.
Reaction of alkali metal with oxygen gas.
  • The diagram above shows that when hot alkali metal is put into a gas jar filled with chlorine gas, the alkali metal will burn with bright flame.
  • All alkali metals react with chlorine gas to form white metal chlorides salt.
  • Lithium, sodium and potassium have similar chemical properties.
  • The metal chlorides salt formed is soluble in water to give a neutral solution of pH 7.
  • The reactivity increases down the group from lithium, sodium to potassium.
  • Table below shows the observation of lithium, sodium and potassium burn in chlorine gas.
Lithium Lithium burned slowly with a reddish flame . A white solid is produced.
Sodium Sodium burned brightly with a yellowish flame. A white solid is produced. (The reaction is shown in the youtube video below.)
Potassium Potassium burned very brightly with a purplish flame . A white solid is produced.

Lithium + Chlorine \longrightarrow Lithium Chloride

\rm 2Li + Cl_2 \longrightarrow 2LiCl

Sodium + Chlorine \longrightarrow Sodium Chloride

\rm 2Na + Cl_2 \longrightarrow 2NaCl

Potassium + Chlorine \longrightarrow Potassium Chloride

\rm 2K + Cl_2 \longrightarrow 2KCl

Explaining the Reactivity Trend of the Group 1 Alkali Metals

  • When an alkali metal atom reacts, it loses its valence electron to form a positively charged ion.

Li \longrightarrow Li^+ + e^-

Na \longrightarrow Na^+ + e^-

K \longrightarrow K^+ + e^-

  • As we go down the group from one element down to the next, the atomic radius gets bigger due to an extra filled electron shell.
  • The valence electron is further and further from the nucleus. Thus the attraction force between the nucleus and the valence electron become weaker and weaker.
  • This causes the valence electron is easier to be released to form an ion when the atom takes part in a reaction.

Solubility of the Oxide, Hydroxide and Salt of Alkali Metal

  • All the oxide and hydroxide of group 1 metal are soluble in water to form an alkali solution.
  • All the salt (salt of chloride, nitrate, sulphate, carbonate....) of group 1 metal are soluble in water. The solution formed are neutral.

Safety Precaution

  • Alkali metals are very reactive.
  • Therefore it must be kept in paraffin oil to prevent them from reacting with oxygen and water vapour in tbe air.
  • We must avoid to hold group 1 metals with bare hand because they may react with water on our hand.
  • We must wear safety goggles and gloves during handling experiment involving group 1 metal.

*Make sure you save this post in your computer. then, in your own words, write it in your notebooks...

Your Chemistry teacher,

Mrs Wong...

with da help of Taysher and Akhilash..


Saturday, 11 April 2009


I salute the ppl who actually made the right decision of not comin to skul...
there is nothing much to tell u ppl...
there was ceramah...
combined the form 4 & 5...
the ony girls form our class was me n suhaini..
i tink...
i ony saw her...
n i met up wit Mr. Shukur n asked him to delay the rocket launching day to thursday...
Arina,Jo,Pari etc.. ponteng'ed' the ceramah..
kononnya working for the BP My Science Challenge..
anywayz tatz all for now...


Friday, 10 April 2009

v CaN n WiLl chaNge wAt pN. WonG tINks BOut us!

I don't like the fact that always get a lecture when a teacher comes into class...
im sorry...
I know v r family but this is getting irritating...
i dun lyk any teachers scolding us...
v might b in the science stream but...
itz time to buck up ppl!
even i hv to stop crappin at the back of bio lab...
but there is no harm in shutting up n listenin...
of course i still wan the flow of jokes but...
buck up ppl..
its time to prove ppl wrong...
the exams r coming up n v wil b better than 4J...

urs til i stop getting fatter...

Saturday 'Crashing' Courses...

Saturday, 11th Apr 2009, is a schooling day. In other words, come to school tomorrow. I don't think we'll be following Thursday's timetable as planned instead we're going to follow this timetable.
or this

(Click to enlarge)

Okay, that's all I guess. Make sure you finish your physics project and the paperwork. The rockets will be launched on Tuesday with 4J and 4S, I think. Sorry for not posting the second part of the physics work, but I'll make sure I post it up by tomorrow. I left the exercise in the buku ponteng. =.= I know, I know... I'll make sure it's in here by tomorrow.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

And The Majority Agreed....

As you can see, majority says that it's a good idea to put your addresses in the blog. Since there's 37 pupils in the class, a mere side display would appear too long and very troublesome to browse through so, the contacts would later be posted at next year's time. In other words, I'll post it later but I'll set the time to next year. This is done so that by next year, the contacts list would be the first post you see since the probability of me updating the blog next year would be quite low.

So yeah, that's all lah. Make sure you bring your Results Slip for those who haven't pass it back up. And don't forget about the form about the verification of your guide's presence on Sports Day too.

Now, what's left is just... Happy Birthday Johanan and Ameer!!! Since both of you first felt a doctor's gloved hands on the same day, I put the wishes together. To Johanan, take more phosphorus, vitamin D and calcium more. Grow taller lah.... To Ameer, may your relationship with Fatin last. XD

Okay, that's all lah.... Until the next post

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Yay, free period... And of course, The Necklace

On the 2nd of April 2009, Thursday, I've come to notice that some of us were lazy not able to copy the exercise given on The Necklace. So for your convenience, I'll post it below. Jot it down in your Literature exercise book.

Credits goes to Chen. 

Thursday April 2, 2009
The Necklace

1. The necklace suggest the following about Mathilde...
A. She is pretty and charming
B. She was too good looking to be born into a family of clerks
C. She has no opportunity of marrying a rich man

2. What kind of feeling aroused by the above description of Mathilde?
C. Sympathy

3. Which of the following statements best summarises Mathilde's feelings?
A. She deserved better than to be born into a lower class society

4. Based in the description in the given extract, Mathilde may be considered
C. Conceited and proud

5. The phrase 'not to remarked by another woman' in this extract emphasises that Mathilde
A. is concerned about keeping her appearances

6. Why did Mathilde did not want to wear her wrap?
A. She was embarassed to wear her ordinary wrap

7. From this extract we know all the following about Mathilde except
A. She has always been a good housekeeper

8. In what way does Mathilde help  pay off the family's debt?
C. She does the work her maid used to

9. When Mathilde says, "You never notices, then" she most likely expresses
D. Sadness

10. What would Mathilde be feeling when Madame Forestier says, "Oh my poor Mathilde! My necklace was paste! It was worth at most only five hundred francs!"?
B. Shock and disbelief

Well, that would be the end of it. Please bring your Results Slip tomorrow and for those who haven't got their copy of Maths and Bio exercise, please pay me 30 sen tomorrow and 20 sen to Johanan if you still want those exercises. Sorry to hear about your grandpa, Fudin. We hope he's in a better place. 

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Yes, yes, I know. This is really late.

I know I should have posted this MUCH earlier but I was quite busy so, I haven't got much time in my wallet (or money if it made the situation any worse). Well anyway, there's some English notes that you suppose to jot down last week. There was approximately 11 pupils not in class that day.

So, yeah. Here's your English notes.

Thusrday March 26th, 2009
The Infinitive

A. Forms of infinitive
The infinitive consists of "to + verb"
e.g : to work  to write
to eat to sing
to play to punish

B. Uses of infinitive
a) To show an action
e.g : We began to think.
They tried to sing.

b) As a subject of a sentence
e.g : To climb a staircase is dangerous.
Yo help the poor is a good deed.

c) As an object or a compliment of a verb
e.g : I promise to write.
She agreed to return the money.

d) To modify a sentence
e.g : I asked Razali to talk to her.
We expect him to call us at 8.00 p.m.

Okay, that's all I guess. And please bring 30 sen tomorrow for the maths exercise.
Yes, I've been neglecting this... sorry.  Happy Belated Birthday Ong!!! and Happy Belated Birthday Zaim!!! Ya, ya, I know this is really late but it's better late than never, right?