This layout was applied on Jan 21, 2009 at 1624 Hours.


Thursday 25 June 2009

School Fees..... ASAP

Referring to the above title, You are required to pay your fees as soon as possible.

Here are the list of the said fees:

a) Co-curriculum ---------------- RM 8.00
b) Exam Papers ----------------- RM 24.50
c) Sports ------------------------ RM 8.00
d) Aglmool ---------------------- RM 8.00
e) MSSM ------------------------ RM 4.00
f) Magazine ---------------------- RM 12.00
<-->Total ---------------------------RM 64.50

And your Toilet Fees : RM2. Yup, the toilet fees. No matter how silly it sounds, you still have to pay for using the school toilet. Not forgetting the t-shirt, I'm still waiting for the RM 25. So, yeah.

Check your marks on the last exam, jot it down somewhere and correct it tomorrow. Hopefully I'll remember to bring the ranking sheet along. Open Day will be held next Friday. So, I advice you to watch Trans-afro-ers before you get yourself grounded for good. There'll be a school replacement day this Saturday. Those who were summoned by Mr Donnie, prepare your speech by then. Those receiving the anugerah, please arrive at school before 7.30 am. Those who just want to come for fun, I suggest you to diminish that intention. More than half of the class will be in the hall for the whole day. So, you might get a one-to-one session with the mosquitoes if you come anyway.

p/s: Fudin, if you're reading this, remind me to return your shoes. Message me, don't call. Calls aren't so effective on me. XD

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