This layout was applied on Jan 21, 2009 at 1624 Hours.


Friday 7 August 2009

The Unofficial HAKK "Holiday"

Today, the Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum (HAKK) was held. The event started at 7.40 am (was it?) and ended at around 9.30 am. Lessons continued as usual shortly after. Well, at least those who were absent didn't waste their time enjoying their little "holiday" right, Ethan?
Since there was quite a number absentees today, I'll be posting today's homework here. So, those who weren't present, please take note.

Practice 1, pg 182 (Chapter 9: Differentiation)
DO ALL (Book 1)

Book 2 had been sent.

*Just a little summary of today's Add Maths lesson. Just in case you don't understand the explanation in the text book.

lim means limit
x --> n means "when x is approaching n" where n represent a constant (number) .

Anything after the limit and "x --> n" is called a function. Example: 1/(x+4) [refer to textbook]

-[-][-I'll refer the "limit", the "x --> n" and the function as a "function limiter". Keep in mind that this is not the official name of the "funtion limiter"-][-]-

So for Q1, construct the table and key in the function on your calculator and replace x with the constant. As in the case of the first question, x = 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. The same thing goes for Q2. After you're done with the questions, write down the "function limiter" expression again and put it equal to the number it's approaching. As in the case of the first question, the answer is 2.

As for number 3, just substitute x in the function with the number that it's approaching. For example, "x --> n". In this case, substitute x inside the function with n and you'll get the answer.

That should be all. Hopefully the explanation above helps.

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